
The Outdoor Adventure Show Vancouver


Holding Time:2018-03-03 to 2018-03-04

معرض الموقع:Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Center Suite 200, 999 Canada Place, V6C 3C1 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Fair Organizer:National Event Management Inc.

نظرة عامة على المعرض

The Outdoor Adventure Show in Vancouver is Canada's largest outdoor adventure and travel show. Exhibitors from a wide variety of recreational pursuits showcase their products and services. The show consists of seven different areas: the Travel & Vacation Destinations Pavilion, the Camping Showcase, the Vancouver Bike Zone, the Offroad Adventures Pavilion, the Running and Triathlon Pavilion, the Canoe & Kayak Zone and the BoardSports Zone. The Outdoor Adventure Show combines a retail shopping experience with simulated outdoor, interactive features and education. You can also see breathtaking slide presentations and hear from seasoned adventure travelers as they share incredible stories of the thrill of their adventures.

The The Outdoor Adventure Show will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 03. March to Sunday, 04. March 2018 in Vancouver.

معلومات الاتصال

Tel:+1 (9)05 4772677

Fax:+1 (9)05 4777872


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